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How To Calculate Public Savings: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Calculate Public Savings: A Step-by-Step Guide

Calculating public savings is an important aspect of macroeconomics. It is the excess revenue that the government brings in over its expenses. Public savings can be used to pay off debt, fund public projects, or invest in the economy. Understanding public savings is crucial for policymakers, economists, and investors to make informed decisions.

To calculate public savings, one must first determine the amount of tax revenue that the government receives and the amount of government spending. The difference between these two figures is the public savings. If the government spends more than it receives in taxes, then public savings will be negative. However, if the government receives more in taxes than it spends, then public savings will be positive.

Public savings are an important indicator of a country's fiscal health. A positive public savings rate indicates that the government is financially responsible and has the ability to invest in the economy. On the other hand, a negative public savings rate can lead to inflation and a decrease in economic growth. By understanding how to calculate public savings, individuals can gain a better understanding of a country's economic health and make informed decisions.

Understanding Public Savings

Definition of Public Savings

Public savings refer to the difference between the total amount of tax collected by the government and the total amount of government spending. In other words, it is the amount of money that the government has left over after it has paid for all of its expenses. Public savings can be positive or negative, depending on whether the government is spending more money than it is collecting in taxes or vice versa.

Components of Public Savings

There are two main components of public savings: tax revenue and government spending. Tax revenue is the total amount of money collected by the government from taxes, while government spending is the total amount of money spent by the government on goods and services. When tax revenue is greater than government spending, public savings are positive, and when government spending is greater than tax revenue, public savings are negative.

Public savings are an important indicator of a country's economic health. When public savings are positive, it means that the government has more money to invest in infrastructure, education, and other public services. This can lead to economic growth and development. On the other hand, when public savings are negative, it means that the government is borrowing money to finance its spending, which can lead to inflation and other economic problems.

In summary, public savings are the amount of money that the government has left over after it has paid for all of its expenses. They are an important indicator of a country's economic health and can have a significant impact on economic growth and development.

The Role of Public Savings

Public savings play a crucial role in a nation's economic health and growth. It refers to the amount of money a government has left after paying all its expenses. Just like families set aside money for future goals, governments can achieve long-term objectives by saving money.

Economic Growth

Public savings are an essential component of a country's economic growth. When a government saves money, it can use the funds to invest in various sectors such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and research and development. This investment can lead to increased productivity, job creation, and overall economic growth.

Investment Funding

Public savings can also be used to fund investments in the private sector. The government can provide financial support to businesses and entrepreneurs, which can lead to the creation of new jobs and the growth of existing businesses. This can help to stimulate economic growth and create a more prosperous society.

In conclusion, public savings are a critical component of a nation's economic health and growth. By saving money, governments can invest in various sectors and provide funding for private sector investments, which can lead to increased productivity, job creation, and overall economic growth.

Calculating Public Savings

Public savings is the amount of money that the government has left over after it has paid for all of its expenses. It is calculated by subtracting government expenditure from government revenue. This section will explain how to calculate public savings.

Identifying Government Revenue

Government revenue is the total amount of money that the government receives from taxes, fees, and other sources. To calculate public savings, you need to know the amount of government revenue. This can be found by looking at the government's budget.

The government's budget is a document that outlines how much money the government plans to spend and how much money it expects to receive. It is usually published annually and can be found on the government's website. The budget will include a breakdown of government revenue, which will allow you to calculate public savings.

Determining Government Expenditure

Government expenditure is the total amount of money that the government spends on goods and services. This includes salaries for government employees, payments to contractors, and purchases of equipment and supplies. To calculate public savings, you need to know the amount of government expenditure. This can also be found in the government's budget.

The budget will include a breakdown of government expenditure, which will allow you to calculate public savings. Once you have identified government revenue and government expenditure, you can subtract the latter from the former to get the public savings.

In summary, calculating public savings involves identifying government revenue and determining government expenditure. By subtracting government expenditure from government revenue, you can calculate the amount of public savings.

Interpreting Public Savings

Surplus and Deficit

Public savings can be either a surplus or a deficit. A surplus occurs when the government collects more revenue from taxes than it spends on goods and services. A deficit occurs when the government spends more money on goods and services than it collects in taxes. Public savings can be used to pay off debt or invest in the economy.

If a country has a surplus, it can use the excess funds to invest in infrastructure, education, or healthcare. This can lead to economic growth and improved living standards for citizens. However, if a country has a deficit, it may have to borrow money to finance its spending. This can lead to a higher national debt, which can be a burden on future generations.

Public Savings Ratio

The public savings ratio is the Percentage to a Decimal Calculator (https://calculator.city/percentage-to-a-decimal-calculator/) of a country's GDP that is saved by the government. It is calculated by dividing public savings by GDP. This ratio can be used to compare the savings habits of different countries.

A high public savings ratio indicates that a country is saving a significant portion of its income. This can be beneficial in the long run, as it allows the government to invest in the economy and pay off debt. However, a low public savings ratio can be a cause for concern, as it may indicate that a country is not saving enough to prepare for future economic challenges.

In conclusion, public savings is an important economic concept that can have a significant impact on a country's financial health. By understanding how to calculate and interpret public savings, individuals and policymakers can make informed decisions about how to manage their finances and invest in the future.

Factors Affecting Public Savings

Economic Policies

Economic policies of a government can have a significant impact on public savings. Policies that encourage savings, such as tax incentives, can increase public savings. Conversely, policies that discourage savings, such as high taxes or inflation, can decrease public savings. For example, if a government increases taxes, individuals may have less disposable income to save, which can lead to a decrease in public savings. On the other hand, if a government implements policies that encourage saving, such as tax breaks for retirement accounts, individuals may be more likely to save, which can lead to an increase in public savings.

Inflation and Interest Rates

Inflation and interest rates can also affect public savings. High inflation rates can reduce the value of savings, making it less attractive for individuals to save. On the other hand, high interest rates can increase the return on savings, making it more attractive for individuals to save. Additionally, interest rates can affect the cost of borrowing, which can impact the amount of money individuals have available to save. For example, if interest rates are high, the cost of borrowing may be high, which can reduce the amount of disposable income individuals have to save. Conversely, if interest rates are low, the cost of borrowing may be low, which can increase the amount of disposable income individuals have to save.

In summary, economic policies, inflation, and interest rates can all have an impact on public savings. Governments can implement policies that encourage saving, such as tax incentives, to increase public savings. Additionally, inflation and interest rates can affect the value of savings and the amount of disposable income individuals have to save.

Public Savings in National Accounting

Public savings is an important concept in national accounting. It refers to the amount of money that the government saves after deducting its expenses from its revenue. In other words, it is the difference between the government's revenue and its expenses. Public savings can be positive or negative, depending on whether the government's revenue is greater than or less than its expenses.

Gross National Product

Gross National Product (GNP) is a measure of the total output of goods and services produced by a country's residents, regardless of their location. It includes the output produced by the country's citizens and companies, both domestically and abroad. GNP is calculated by adding up the value of all final goods and services produced in a country, plus any income earned by citizens and companies abroad, and subtracting any income earned by foreigners in the country.

Net National Product

Net National Product (NNP) is a measure of the total output of goods and services produced by a country's residents, taking into account the depreciation of capital goods. Depreciation is the decrease in value of capital goods over time due to wear and tear, obsolescence, and other factors. NNP is calculated by subtracting depreciation from GNP.

Public savings is an important component of national savings, which is the sum of private savings and public savings. National savings is an important determinant of a country's investment and economic growth. When a country saves more, it has more resources available for investment, which can lead to increased productivity and economic growth.

Case Studies

Comparative Analysis by Country

A comparative analysis of public savings by country can provide insights into the effectiveness of different policies and programs. For example, a study conducted in the United States found that public savings resulting from reduced health care costs due to increased physical activity could amount to $16 billion annually [1]. In the United Kingdom, public savings resulting from the implementation of energy efficiency measures in social housing could amount to £1.27 billion over 30 years [1].

Other countries have also implemented policies and programs that have resulted in significant public savings. For example, in Singapore, the government implemented a program to reduce the incidence of diabetes, which resulted in estimated public savings of $1.3 billion over 10 years [1]. In Australia, the government implemented a program to reduce smoking rates, which resulted in estimated public savings of $740 million annually [2].

Impact of Public Savings on Development

Public savings can have a significant impact on development, particularly in developing countries. In many cases, public savings resulting from improved health outcomes, increased access to education, and other factors can be reinvested in social programs and infrastructure, further promoting development.

For example, in Ethiopia, public savings resulting from the implementation of a program to reduce maternal and child mortality rates were reinvested in the health sector, resulting in improved health outcomes and increased access to health services [3]. Similarly, in Uganda, public savings resulting from the implementation of a program to increase access to education were reinvested in the education sector, resulting in increased enrollment and improved educational outcomes [4].

Overall, these case studies demonstrate the potential impact of public savings on social and economic development. By implementing effective policies and programs, governments can not only achieve significant public savings but also promote development and improve the lives of their citizens.


  1. ECINS. (n.d.). How we calculate public sector savings. Taking a pragmatic evidence-based approach avoids publishing figures that are wildly optimistic. https://ecins.com/how-we-calculate-public-sector-savings-taking-a-pragmatic-evidence-based-approach-avoids-publishing-figures-that-are-wildly-optimistic/

  2. Australian Government Department of Health. (2019, March 27). Tackling smoking. https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/tackling-smoking

  3. Hailemariam, M., Bustreo, F., Hailemichael, Y., Doherty, T., -amp; Nigussie, P. (2015). Ethiopia: an emerging model for universal health coverage. World Health Organization. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4420159/

  4. UNICEF. (n.d.). Education. https://www.unicef.org/uganda/what-we-do/education

Policy Implications

Fiscal Responsibility

Calculating public savings is crucial for fiscal responsibility. A government that spends more than it saves is running a budget deficit, which can lead to a variety of economic problems. For example, a budget deficit can lead to inflation as the government prints more money to pay its bills. It can also lead to higher interest rates as the government borrows money to cover its expenses. Therefore, calculating public savings is an important step in ensuring that a government is fiscally responsible.

Sustainable Development Goals

Calculating public savings is also important for achieving sustainable development goals. Sustainable development goals are a set of goals established by the United Nations to promote sustainable economic growth while protecting the environment and reducing poverty. Public savings can be used to fund investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, which are essential for achieving sustainable development goals. By calculating public savings, governments can ensure that they have the resources necessary to invest in these important areas.

In conclusion, calculating public savings is essential for both fiscal responsibility and achieving sustainable development goals. By ensuring that governments are saving enough money to cover their expenses and invest in important areas, public savings can help promote economic growth and reduce poverty.

Tools and Resources for Calculation

There are a variety of tools and resources available for calculating public savings. These tools can help individuals and organizations to better understand their finances and make more informed decisions about their spending and investments.

One such tool is the Public Savings Calculator provided by Captain Calculator [1]. This calculator uses a simple formula to calculate public savings, based on the difference between tax revenue and government spending. Users can input their own data to calculate their own public savings, and the calculator provides a clear and easy-to-understand output.

Another useful resource is the Savings Calculator provided by NerdWallet [2]. This calculator allows users to calculate the growth of their savings over time, based on interest rates and other factors. It can be a useful tool for individuals who are looking to save money for a specific goal, such as retirement or a down payment on a house.

For those who are interested in learning more about the impact of taxes and inflation on their savings, the Savings, Taxes and Inflation Calculator provided by FINRED [3] can be a valuable resource. This calculator helps users to understand how taxes and inflation can affect the true value of their savings over time, and provides recommendations for how to adjust their savings plan accordingly.

Finally, TIAA provides a range of retirement planning calculators and financial tools [4], including a Retirement Advisor and Retirement Income Illustrator. These tools can be useful for individuals who are planning for retirement and want to ensure that they are on track to meet their financial goals.

Overall, there are many tools and resources available for calculating public savings and managing personal finances. By using these tools, individuals and organizations can gain a better understanding of their financial situation and make more informed decisions about their spending and investments.


  1. Public Savings Calculator - Captain Calculator

  2. Savings Calculator - NerdWallet

  3. FINRED | Savings Calculators

  4. Retirement Planning Calculators -amp; Financial Tools | TIAA

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors are considered in calculating public savings?

Public savings is calculated by subtracting government spending from government revenue. The factors that are considered in calculating public savings include taxes, transfers, and government purchases of goods and services.

How can one determine public savings in a closed economy?

In a closed economy, public savings can be determined by subtracting government purchases of goods and services and transfer payments from government revenue.

Is it possible for public savings to be a negative value, and under what circumstances?

Yes, it is possible for public savings to be a negative value. This occurs when government spending exceeds government revenue. In this case, the government is running a budget deficit.

What is the national savings formula in the context of an open economy?

In an open economy, the national savings formula is S = I + NX, where S is national savings, I is domestic investment, and NX is net exports.

How can public savings be calculated when government spending data is unavailable?

If government spending data is unavailable, public savings can be approximated by subtracting total government debt from government assets. However, this method is not as accurate as using actual government spending data.

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What is the relationship between private savings and national savings in macroeconomics?

In macroeconomics, private savings and national savings are related because national savings is equal to the sum of private savings and public savings. This means that an increase in private savings will lead to an increase in national savings, and vice versa.

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